Our CSR Journey

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AMFORI BSCI brings together more than 2,400 retailers, importers, brands and associations from over 40 different countries, offering holistic trade , social and environment services. This way, they aim to improve the resilience and sustainability of each brand’s global sourcing strategy. Joining forces and sharing resources results in more efficient practices, time reduction and making greater impact. Partnering with AMFORI BSCI helps us to, together with our manufacturers, improve social performances within the global supply chain. 

The AMFORI BSCI system is based on a collective code of conduct, that is divided into 13 interrelated performance areas, such as the prohibition of discrimination, decent working hours, protection of the environment and the abolishment of child labour. Each audit results in a rating with a score from A to E, indicating to what extent the supplier has applied the codes of conduct mentioned above in their daily practices and supply chain processes.

Partnership benefits

 Enables close engagement with our suppliers and the monitoring of our suppliers' social performance.

 Enables us to take ownership and to support our suppliers in all supply chain processes.

 Improving the social performance within our supply chain.

 Reducing costs and increase efficiency within different processes.

 Reducing of costs and increasing of efficiency within different processes.

 Creating of a clear and consistent approach together, focusing on practices.

 Making our suppliers more resilient to changes in the industry.

 Working on our suppliers reputations by meeting the expectations of customers and stakeholders.